This is a coaching clip from one of our recent Majik Mind sessions.
Why Does Your Work Matter?
A Journaling Exercise to Ignite Your Conviction
Over the past few months, the world of Majik Media, Majik Kids, and Play Chi Ball has been bubbling with magic and momentum. And I will say, I've waited a couple decades to feel the momentum that's sweeping in, which makes it extra exhilirrating and satisfying!
We’ve seen incredible breakthroughs—Chi Ball getting into two schools in the last two weeks schools, some interviews with media outlets, and exciting new partnerships coming to life. It feels like we’re stepping into a new level of flow, alignment, and purpose in my work.
Amid this surge of creativity and action, I’ve been reflecting on a critical question: Why does my work matter?
This isn’t just a rhetorical question. It’s a grounding force—one that pulls me back to my purpose when doubts, resistance or fatigue creep in.
I’ve been there before, questioning whether the hours, the effort, and the risks will lead to something meaningful. What’s the point? Will this actually make a difference in the world with all the bullshit going on?
The Power of Self-Belief
Self-belief is a game-changer. I’ve come to realize that much of what holds us back isn’t external—it’s the lack of conviction within ourselves. When I reflect on the journey I’ve taken, I see a pattern: every time I start a new project, I go through an inner dialogue that asks two vital questions:
Why does this matter to me?
Why will this matter to the world?
Answering these questions isn’t always easy, but it’s essential. It aligns me with the creative energy driving my work and silences the subconscious doubts that might otherwise slow me down. It’s a practice of anchoring myself in purpose, so I can show up fully for the work ahead... especially when the going gets tough.
A Ripple Effect
It’s easy to underestimate the impact of our efforts. Maybe you’ve touched one life today—through a workshop, a conversation, or a product you created. That one ripple spreads outward in ways we can’t even imagine. Now, multiply that by 100 people, 1,000 people, or more as you scale your work over time. The difference you make becomes exponential.
But first, you need to convince yourself of this impact. Especially at the early stages, when external validation might be scarce, your belief in your work is the foundation everything else is built upon.
A Journaling Exercise for Clarity and Conviction
This is where the majik happens. I want to invite into an exercise I use to realign with my purpose and re-ignite my belief in the work I do. It’s a simple, powerful journaling process that helps clarify why your work matters—to you and to the world.
Step 1: Write down all the reasons why your work matters.
Why does it matter to you?
Why does it matter now?
Why will it matter to others?
Why do you believe in the work you’re doing?
Step 2: Address your doubts.
If you hear any inner chatter or limiting beliefs, grab a second piece of paper and jot them down. Keep them separate from the reasons why your work matters—don’t let them muddy the waters. Acknowledge these doubts for what they are and move forward.
Step 3: Reflect.
Take a moment to read through your list of reasons. Let them sink in. Feel the energy and alignment that comes from connecting deeply with your purpose. Take your answers and see if you can weave them into the copy written on your website and landing pages. It will probably come across as more human when it comes from your heart & purpose.
Why This Matters for You (and Your Point of View Marketing)
Here’s a little secret: this exercise is also a sneaky way to develop your point of view and marketing messaging. When you’re clear about why your work matters, it becomes easier to communicate it authentically and passionately to others. Whether it’s through emails, conversations, or press releases, your conviction becomes contagious.
My Own Recent Breakthrough
Lately, I’ve noticed a shift in myself. I feel unstoppable—no longer held back by fears of bothering people or hesitating to make bold moves. Whether it’s cold-calling someone or sending that daring email, I trust my instincts and act on them.
That confidence comes from clarity: I know why my work matters, and I see the ripples it’s creating. It’s a powerful reminder that when we lead with purpose and belief, we can make a difference—not just for ourselves but for the world.
So, take a few minutes today to sit with this exercise. Write down your reasons. Feel the alignment. And let it fuel your next steps, no matter how big or small they might be.
And remember: the work you’re doing does matter. It’s creating ripples. Keep going.
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