Happy New Now Majik Makers!
I’m excited to share some milestones about partnerships, money and momentum that might just inspire you to keep pushing forward with your projects and work in the world. Fingers and toes crossed anyway...
Celebrating Our Wins
We recently signed two major partnerships for Majik Kids; which has been a three year labour of love, with little return on investment. We’ve put in over $400,000, blending family funds, Majik Media capital, and even raised $200,000 of investment capital to build this worthy dream.
Majik Kids has been the biggest investment of my career. With a generation of children becoming screen zombies, it feels like the most worthy (as well as funnest, and most creative) project of my career. I also believe it has the potential to take off in big and beautiful ways that will change mine, my family's, my team's and all my partnering artist's lives for the better, forever. I feel it's that big.
The first of those Majik Kids partnerships just paid us our first quarterly commission check, ringing to the tune of $18,150 CAD for our collaborative work in schools throughout the Bay Area (Thank you Soul Shoppe for this meaningful way to collaborate and partner).
This partnership has generated around $50,000 so far between our signing bonus which allowed us to intregrate them into our Majik Kids App and first commissions... and it's only just the beginning.
It has only been since March that we launched the Majik Kids app, and now, we’re finally seeing revenue flow in.
This success will feed into the growing fund that we get to pay all of our talented artists inside the royalty pool. And as one of those artists eanring money, I am very excited about that prospect!
Partnerships: The Backbone of Growth
In addition to our partnership with Soul Shoppe, we recently secured another deal that will put us in 20,000 libraries and schools across the U.S., starting in January. This opportunity works on a pay-per-play basis, which will broaden our reach significantly. I’ve also reached out to a few of the meditation apps I am on, and am excited to share that Mindvalley has shown interest in licensing our content, along with two other major platforms.
Next week, I’m meeting with another awesome organization that could bring us into 7,000 schools in the UK. This potential partnership could create incredible ripple effects, and it underscores the power of leveraging relationships and being consistent in outreach.
Staying Steadfast: The Key to Success
The lesson here? Consistency. It's all about having a clear game plan and sticking to it. If you’re working on something like a signature workshop, reach out to 100 contacts and keep going until you’ve completed the list. If you’re pitching your content to other platforms, schedule time each week to work on it. If the response is low, refine your approach and keep pushing.
Building momentum requires steady, consistent effort. It’s about finding a rhythm, making micro-adaptations without constantly reinventing the wheel, and staying committed to the process.
When we start & stop, we lose momentum and end up using even more energy to get back on track. But with steady, consistent action, momentum builds naturally over time.
I see this momentum with my habit of waking up early, playing golf, going to the gym, dropping into teh flowstate with my writing practice. All of these are 'many year practices' that I have honed and keep getting better at. It gets easier iwth the more time and reps we put in. Sooner or later, the resistance isn't such an asshole that keeps us down. It no longer has power over us to persevere.
The Power of Relationships and Consistency
In this game of building meaningful businesses with big impacts in the world, partnerships are key. It’s about knowing what you have to offer, what you need from a partnership, and creating a win-win-win for everyone involved. Consistency in your outreach, newsletters, and content builds trust and reinforces your presence in your community.
So, if you’re feeling sporadic about certain aspects of your outreach or business practices, it’s time to tighten up. Consistency makes it easier to build trust and maintain momentum.
The more consistent you are, the more you refine your process, the easier it becomes, and the more results—like revenue—begin to flow.