Building a strong foundation before taking the Leap of Faith
If there’s one thing I’ve learned about risk-taking, it’s to establish a solid foundation before you leap. My advice: focus on securing your bread-and-butter income stream first. Get your base fully established so you can leap from a place of stability, not scarcity. When you’re unsure, it’s not the time to leap; it’s the time to build. Spend around 80% of your energy on solidifying your foundation, whether it’s marketing or moneymaking efforts, and 20% on exploring the thing that excites you. This way, when you’re ready to leap, you’ll have that solid foundation in place to support you. Trust me, I’ve had plenty of leaps—some with solid ground beneath me and some without. When the foundation is strong, the leaps work out. So, take the time to build your foundation and nurture your nervous system along the way. It’s a game-changer.
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