Beyond Fear: Mastering Follow-Through & Rejecting Rejection
Before diving into today's creative exercise, I just want to remind you of the "Create Compelling Case Studies Workshop" next Wednesday, January 22nd. If you need more clients, this is for you! Sign up today.
Beyond Fear: Mastering Follow-Through and Rejecting Rejection
Today, is a double header email with two different, but complimentary business mindset topics I am going to offer and guide you through.
#1 is about following through and finishing what you started.
#2 is about overcoming your fear of rejection.
And if you choose not to watch, listen or read it - then remember this: Courage Creates Confidence.
The more times you can courageously breakthrough your comfort zone, the more confident in yourself you become.
I tell this to my son all the time and I'll say it to you too: You CAN do hard things!
Now, let's get into today's teachings:
This first tip is something that’s been a game-changer for me, both at home and in my work as an entrepreneur.
It’s a simple, yet powerful mantra: "Don’t just put it down, put it away."
This philosophy was introduced to me during an interview with Chela Davison, a brilliant coach and one of our Majik Media partners.
Cleaning Up Everyday Chaos Imagine this: You come home, or the kids storm through the door, jackets are flung onto a chair, shoes kicked off right in the hallway. Sound familiar? In an interview last year with Chela, she mentioned this philosophy, which my family and I quickly adopted too.
My family and I constantly remind each other about this approach, and it’s amazing how much time and energy we save by simply putting things away right off the bat.
Now, think about how this applies to entrepreneurship.
How often do we check an email, then leave it to deal with later? Or glance at a notification and get sidetracked? Or waste hours thinking about reaching out Signature Workshop hosts, but not getting around to it until much later.
This habit of "putting things down, rather than put them away" OR in business terms -- thinking and procrastinating, rather than simply doing --- can and does hijack our attention and swamp us with unfinished tasks and poor self feelings.
Instead, by handling things immediately—responding to that email, filing that document, making that quick phone call—we reclaim so much lost time and increase our confidence bit-by-bit.
The Cost of Clutter This isn’t just about keeping physical or digital spaces tidy. It’s about not letting opportunities slip by. It's also about getting the thing done, so we can get to the fun or relaxation or things we enjoy.
Less Procrastination & Distraction Leads to More Satisfaction.
Are there tasks or projects you could wrap up quickly but instead leave hanging because you don’t want to deal with them right then and there?
This morning, for instance, our compost bin was full. I could’ve just set it outside the door to deal with later, but instead, I walked the extra 50 feet to the compost pile and took care of it. Task done. It’s out of my mind, and I don’t have to come back to it later.
Topic 2: Facing your Fears of Rejection Now, let’s shift gears a bit. Over the weekend, my wife was hosting a retreat at our house, and I had some fun conversations with a couple of ladies about their fears of stepping into entrepreneurship.
Here’s the hard truth I’ve learned: being an entrepreneur means facing rejection— and a lot of it.
There is no way around it. The majority of people you approach, pitch, market to or share your work with will reject you... Maybe not in a cruel way; more-so in an "I'm going to ignore you and not care about what you have to say, share or sell.
Out of 200 Signature Workshop outreach emails you send, you may only get 20 who actually get booked.
But it’s crucial to focus not on the 98% who might ignore your pitch but on the 2% who will engage with you and your work.
Those are the connections that matter most.
And especially in the early days, it may take being rejected a lot of times before you get to all of the YES's that lead to your freedom and success.
Reflections on Rejection Before I wrap up, think about this: What is your relationship with being rejected like? How do you deal with rejection? How can you transform your relationship with rejection so you can do the outreach or public sharing of your gifts necessary to succeed.
Is it stopping you from reaching out, from making those calls or sending those emails that could lead to your next big break?
Don't let the fear of rejection hold you back. Instead, clear the mental clutter, focus on your goals, and step forward with confidence OR at the very least, courage.
Final Thoughts It’s not just about clearing up our physical spaces—it’s about clearing the way for our success. Keep that mantra in mind: Don’t just put it down, put it away. Whether it’s a chore, an email, or a fear of rejection, deal with it head-on. You might just find yourself saving time and opening up more opportunities than you ever imagined.
Here's to making the most of your time and talents!
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